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"Hummingbirds, Jewels of the Air"

  • Virtual Program via Zoom USA (map)

VIRTUAL PROGRAM - see details below on how to tune-in to the program.

Sandy Lockerman, a licensed bird bander, will discuss the intriguing world of hummingbirds.  Ms. Lockerman will discuss some of their unique adaptations and migration mysteries. In addition to discussing her ongoing Ruby-throated Hummingbird research project, Sandy will provide an update on the documentation efforts being made of western hummingbirds in New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

 Sandy Lockerman has been a bird bander for 25 years. She spent 15 of those years travelling annually to the large Fort Morgan, Alabama bird-banding station where the banding of hundreds of Gulf of Mexico migrating songbirds and hummingbirds was an everyday occurrence. She began researching songbird migration in Pennsylvania at Dauphin County’s Wildwood Park in Harrisburg, first as a volunteer, then as a full-time environmental educator. In addition to studying and banding hummingbirds, Sandy also participates in the Ned Smith Center’s autumn Northern Saw-whet Owl migration project.

You are invited to a Zoom webinar.
When: Dec 8, 2021 08:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
Topic: December Program - Hummingbirds, Jewels of the Air

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