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"The Ted Stiles Preserve at Baldpate Mountain"

  • Virtual Program via Zoom. USA (map)

VIRTUAL PROGRAM - see details below on how to tune-in to the program.

The Ted Stiles Preserve at Baldpate Mountain has the highest number of breeding Neotropical birds in central New Jersey.  Over 175 bird species have been recorded at Baldpate, including 38 warbler species. However, Baldpate is vulnerable because it is at the lower size limit for interior forest species and its long, narrow shape creates a large edge effect. The interior forest ecosystem is highly stressed and many breeding bird species are unsustainably declining.  Sharyn Magee, a past President of Washington Crossing Audubon Society, will give an overview of the birds and other taxa on Baldpate, the population trends of key avian species, and the primary conservation issues facing Baldpate Mountain. 

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